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Condon ’26 Earns U.K. Fulbright Summer Institute Placement

Tobey Condon ’26 has earned a U.K. Fulbright Summer Institute (UKSI) placement to study at Aberystwyth University in Wales.

A native of Menands, New York, Condon is the first Wabash student to earn a Fulbright Summer Institute placement. He will participate in a three-week cultural and academic program focusing on the theme “Identity and Nationhood through the lens of Wales,” at a critical juncture in the politics of Wales, the U.K., and more broadly, Europe.

“I hope to fulfill the goals of the program and return to campus as a leader ready to tackle difficult issues with an effective set of skills and experiences gained through the time spent with my cohort abroad,” said Condon. “What America needs is strong leaders in local communities who are passionate about issues and are prepared to stand firm and advocate for what they believe in while allowing for healthy debate. I want to embrace the opportunities Wabash and programs like the UKSI offer, specifically improving my leadership proficiency and the ability to have real-world, hands-on experiences with other nations and cultures.”

UKSI placements provide participants with a distinctive support and cultural education program, including comprehensive pre-departure guidance, enrichment opportunities in the U.K., and an opportunity to be a part of the Fulbright alumni network.

Tobey Condon '26“The UKSI program is one of the few nationally competitive fellowship opportunities open to freshmen and sophomores, and for that reason it is highly sought by bright, talented underclassmen across the U.S.,” said Susan Albrecht, Wabash Fellowship Advisor. “Tobey is clearly a very thoughtful individual who’s genuinely eager to learn. I have no doubt that he will seek out and fully embrace every opportunity for intellectual exploration and community engagement while he is in Wales.”

In selecting the 60 participants for the UKSI, the UK-US Fulbright Commission looks not only for academic excellence but a focused application, a range of extracurricular and community activities, demonstrated ambassadorial skills, and a plan to give back to the recipient’s home country upon return.

A PPE major and Classics minor, Condon is a member of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, he plays euphonium in the Wabash Pep Band, participates in the Wabash Public Discourse initiative, and works in the Ramsey Archives on campus. The UKSI will be his first experience abroad.

“Linking raw smarts and a hearty appetite for change with a nuanced view of the world and a welcome humility, Tobey stands ready both to contribute much to, and to gain much from, the Fulbright Summer Institute,” said Jeremy Hartnett, professor of Classics. “Tobey will bring a full and varied suite of talents to the UKSI, which will enrich and deepen the interaction among participants while endowing him with a life-changing experience that will pay dividends in the near- and long-term.”

Condon is among the many Wabash men who have earned highly competitive fellowships in the last decade, including the Rhodes, Marshall, Truman, Obama Voyager, Yenching, Goldwater, and Point Foundation Flagship Scholarships. Additionally, Wabash students have earned the Center for the Study of Presidency and Congress’ Presidential Fellowship and NCAA Postgraduate Scholarships, to go with 26 Fulbrights and 26 Gilman Scholarships.

“I am excited to have been accepted into this program. Before coming to Wabash, I never would have believed the range and depth of opportunities and the wealth of resources made available to me at every turn, especially as a freshman,” said Condon. “From my fraternity brothers and classroom peers to the faculty and staff on campus, knowing that I have the whole Wabash community at my back pushing me to succeed means the world to me. I couldn't have done any of this without them.”

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